Smadar Nevo 9914532 -02 0544893772
Synonims: Ring muscles, Paula Garbourg Institute, Sphincter Gymnastics
Paula Garbourg
The book - The Secret of the Ring Muscles
The Method
Key words
Paula Garbourg
Flowers to Paula Garbourg / The Body Singer By Naomi Shemer Yediot Acharonot
The ambulance that arrived soon after was we have sent back. I thought to myself, What do I need an ambulance when I have Paula Garbourg? But Paula won't like this opening.
This opening is for legends, but Paula won't like it either. Paula Garbourg my gymnastic teacher vigorously dismisses any tale or fairy story. She seeks harmony and understanding with conventional medicine and asks all her patients a physician referral and her dream - that some one will research and provide a scientific explanation to what she discovered intuitively years ago.
What Paula Garbourg discovered can be put in two sentences: She discovered that there is a relationship between all the sphincter muscles in our body and that they can inflect on each other, and that it has an healing effect on us.
Based on my hand write, and after meeting with him, Dr. Naftaly recommended me to see Paula Garbourg. All that time I suffered from chronicle pain in my shoulders that accompanied me since the age of 17.
Amit Yeroslavski is a pediatrician, specializing in children psychiatry. She discovered the Paula Garbourg method two years ago. I arrived as a healthy person and curious physician, and the change was first in myself.
Hemda Tiferet, a gynecologist in Kaplan Hospital introduced the Paula Garbourg method to the delivery rooms there, to find out that many pregnant women gave birth with less or no pain and with shorter contractions time.
Paula Garbourg immigrated to Israel from Berlin at the age of 29, where she practiced dancing, acrobatic and singing. In 1936 she joined her brother in Kibbutz Bet-Alfa where she contracted chronic Malaria.
The Paula Garbourg method do not loosen the body. This is a Western product aimed at strengthening the body and its ability to take part in the body's functioning systems, not against it.
I suffered from Arthritis pain caused by intense writing and for seven years I did not touch my guitar, which for me was a great lose. Following the radio show of Rachel Halfi about Paula Garbourg I purchased the book, began practicing on my own, and what a miracle - I am back with the guitar and play Bach again.
When I first interviewed Paula Garbourg, she politely answered my questions but after an hour I still felt I had no real understanding of what she was trying to explain. She then had me lie on the bed and hold my hands over my eyes. l didn't know what to expect.
The book
In this case, it's "sphincter exercise" ("sphincter" is broadly defined to include muscles around each of the body's orifices). Paula Garbourg calls her exercises "sphincter gymnastics," and theorizes that doing them can improve conditions ranging from asthma to varicose veins. Her theories come from the fringes of wellness; in fact, she cites no science other than her own experience.
Paula Garbourg calls her programme "sphincter gymnastics," and after excercising your sphincter for 30 minutes you begin to feel like you've been straddling the Pommel Horse for weeks. After getting used to the regimine, though I've begun to feel the benefits: better digestion, more frequent bowel movements, less flatulance and relief from chronic hemorrhoids.
The Method
These are the Ring Muscles, also known as sphincters. There are Ring Muscles in every part of our body, both internally and externally and it is their coordinated and harmonious contraction and relaxation that initiates breathing, digestion, circulation, elimination, and all muscular motion. Paula Garbourg, the developer of The Paula MethodTM explains that the basic principles behind her method of self-healing are how the Ring Muscles function; their importance in everyday life, and the problems that can result when they fail to work together properly.
Based on decades of experience, Paula Garbourg developed a series of exercises that will allow you to take advantage of this revolutionary approach to self-healing and get cured or relief from most common ailments. Paula Garbourg observed that when the Ring Muscles all work together, we are in good health. When the Ring Muscles do not work together, illness and imbalance result.
By improving the functioning of these muscles, she discovered, we can free ourselves of various pains and health problems. Improvement of the Ring Muscles function is done through a series of exercises, in which we contract and relax certain muscles such as the eyes, nostrils, mouth and lower Sphincters that creates a chain reaction, reaching and healing ailing Ring Muscles. Being that each body is different from the other, there are no particular exercises for any given ailment and it might take several exercises to find the most functional exercise that will initiate the chain reaction and will result in body balance, healing the ailing part.
The Paula Method
Many people with asthma have reported significant improvement, even with complete normalization of their breathing, as a result Ring Muscles Exercises. They often mention that with Ring Muscles Exercises, they are able to help themselves, whereas previously they had been dependent on medication and devices.
Many people have told me they have been able to reduce or even do away with their reliance on medication as a result. As so often is the case with Ring Muscles Exercises, a person with asthma does not start out by exercising the weak front sphincter directly, but instead reaches it through one or more healthy sphincters. Usually, we begin with other exercises to strengthen the back muscles, first of all the Upper Lip to Nose exercise, and progress to the Upper Lip to Nose exercise once sufficient muscle tone has been developed.
The "ring" muscles, or sphincter muscles, are groups of muscles that contract and relax simultaneously. When they all work together, we are in good health, but when they stop working correctly, our bodies fall out of balance.
The best way and highly recommended for people with severe / deteriorating conditions or those seeking faster results is to start practicing the Paula Method™ technique under the guidance of a licensed practitioner. Since different exercises will have different reactions on each body, a practitioner will diagnose and detect the best exercises that better react to the ailing part of the patient's body.
The treatment is personal, never in groups. Haya Garbourg, who has been practicing the Paula Method™ method professionally for twenty years, heads the Paula Garbourg Institute USA. She learned directly from Paula Garbourg and worked side by side with her for a significant portion of her professional career.
The Paula Method DYSLEXIA Yoram was referred to Paula Garbourg for treatment at the age of 11, when he was in the fourth or fifth grade. He had trouble reading fluently, didn't understand numbers, had difficulty in comprehending the essential concept of a number, and was therefore, of course, unable to participate fully in the arithmetic lessons at school.
Effectiveness of Circular Muscle Exercise (Paula Method) Versus Kegel Exercise for Urinary Stress Incontinence
Purpose This is a randomized controlled trial comparing two methods of exercise for the treatment of stress incontinence ( loss of urine after physical exertion) in women. We are comparing the Paula method of circular muscle exercise, in which circular muscles controlling sphincters of the body (such as the eyes, mouth and rectum) are exercised, with pelvic floor training (Kegel exercises) in women in the community. The study hypothesis is that the effectiveness of circular muscle exercises is equivalent to pelvic floor training among women with this disorder.
Official Title: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Circular Muscle Exercises (Paula Method) Vs.
Methods: 200 women who chosen from the community and suffering from SI will enter the study and will be randomized to one of two arms. The first arm is the Paula method of circular muscle exercises: these women will receive private lessons from a registered Paula instructor. The system is based on activating circular muscles in the body.
I met Paula and began exercising her method and within a month I felt the relief. I continued exercising and later became a certified practitioner for the Paula Method. Five Months latter after reaching complete relief from my trouble I traveled with my husband to the US where I continued practicing and as a result I got rid of acne that disturbed me (after 3 pregnancies!).
As time passes by, I realize the global effect of the method, and am amazed of how many healthy people are those suffering from pain and ailments. In the Paula Method the various systems of the body helps each other to regain optimum functioning.
But over and above, the meeting with Paula was fateful in my life. I found the Paula method to be in many aspects, superior to the traditional physiotherapy. It has a meaningful shortcut, time saving and possibility to exercise with children as if it's a game.
Following further observation and checks, I reached an understanding that the visible self correction of the newborn is thrown into disorder during maturity. With the Paula method you can regain partial of the lost ability, and that's its beauty.
Tiferet tried the Paula method in preventing premature birth with delightful results.
Either way, you owe to yourself and your body the attention and care, and although we strongly recommend the Paula Method™ method, we urge you to engage in any natural therapy.
The Book - The Secret of the Ring Muscles by Paula Garbourg was first published in Israel in 1979, has now reached its 18th edition. The 157 pages English version, now in its third edition, includes a comprehensive description of the technique and philosophy on how the Paula MethodTM affect your health.
Haya Garbourg is Paula's daughter-in-law and has been practicing for over 30 years. She had studied and practiced under the tutelage of Paula in the Paula Garbourg Institute in Israel for 15 years and now practices in the United States.
"In our attempts to have patients take responsibility for their own health, and to reduce the use of dangerous drugs and surgery, [Paula Garbourg's Ring Muscle] exercises seem to be most appropriate." * Try for 30 days.
I have had the opportunity to acquaint myself with Paula Garbourg's method and work over a period of fifteen years, and the chance to assure myself of its efficacy. [Garbourg] applied a well-known physiological principle, that the activity of one particular muscle is likely to affect the activity of another muscle, even one located some distance away.
Paula Garbourg's Sphincter Gymnastics has more than once succeeded where a variety of medical treatments have failed. It is often difficult to explain the beneficial results, and there is a need to study and research this method.
In our attempts to have patients take responsibility for their own health, and to reduce the use of dangerous drugs and surgery, [Paula Garbourg's Ring Muscle] exercises seem to be most appropriate. Their efficacy has already been validated in anecdotal reports in Israel.
The principle of Sphincter-Gymnastics is based on Paula Garbourg's observation that in the healthy body all the sphincters work together as one unit. In the healthy body all the sphincters contract and relax simultaneously, activating the respiratory system, gastrointestinal system and the urogenital system.
There are a lot of cases that were helped by this method of "Sphincter Gymnastics." Paula Garbourg has an experience of over forty years.
Successors :
The treatment is personal, never in groups. Haya Garbourg, who has been practicing the Paula Method™ method professionally for twenty years, heads the Paula Garbourg Institute USA. She learned directly from Paula Garbourg and worked side by side with her for a significant portion of her professional career.
Key words
Name:Paula Garbourg Institute Category:Exercise Therapy Description:Healing method through the Ring Muscles (sphincters) exercises, developed in Israel 50 years ago, healing most common ailments. Keywords:Cure and relief from Asthma, Arthritis, Autism, Backaches, Bed-Wetting, Depression, Digestive Problems, Dyslexia, Hemorrhoids, Hyperactivity, Improved Appearance, Incontinence, Infertility, Polio, Premature Aging, Prolapse of the Uterus, Respiratory Problems, Retardation, Road Accidents Rehabilitation, Scoliosis, Varicose Veins,Vocal cord problems.
טיפול בתפקודי הסוגרים, שרירי הפנים, גמישות המפרקים ואיזון השלד הם עיקר עבודתי. נוסף לכך אני מטפלת בהפגת כאבים, תפקוד מערכת הנשימה, העיכול והשתן. הבלוג מיועד לידד את התנועה הייחודית הזו למי שפוגש אותה בפעם הראשונה . אני מטפלת בבית עובד, ירושלים ובשריגים מזה 23 שנים, להתייעצות חייגו 0544893772 לשאלות בתחתית הדף תמצאו צילום שלי ומושגים. כדי לקרוא דברים שכתבתי אודותם לחצו עליהם
יום ראשון, דצמבר 04, 2005
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