In order to practice the "Paula Method" exercises one should start and end every session from putting his hands on his eyes. It's better to cover the eyes while the fingers stay on the forehead and the palms let the eyes a space. So the eyelids can move if they feel like it. The palms shouldn't push the eyebrows, just be resting on them. In this position it's easier to pay attention to the back, to compare between the sides of the back and the way they lay on the mattress, when you notice any kind of inconvenience try to replace the parts of your body that feels so. It's also suggested to put you hands on your eyes in between the exercises. While doing so the body might continue part of the former movement. This is a good sign and it’s better to let the hands stay on the eyes as long as this continuity last. In case nothing new happen after putting the hands on, feel free to take them of and go on to the coming exercise.
The first exercise I recommend to try is contracting the eyes softly and monotony. The other parts of your body might want to join this movement and you let this happen. Usually the parts of the face are the first to react but it also might happen in other places. This is a good reaction and it's better to let it happen. Pay attention to the way the eyes change the way they move, once you feel tired you better put your hands on your eyes and follow the body reactions. If the body continues the same exercise let it happen. One needs to learn to differ between contracting through the body to contracting through the mind. As long as the body is doing the contracting because of the hands position it's better to stay with the hand on the eyes. Most chances this would stop once you take of the hands of; it's possible to try it and if so to put the hands on again. You can go back now and try to contract the eyes again,
The second exercise is moving the lips out like you do in kisses and release. There is no need to hold the lips in any position. It's important to center the movement and keep it pleasant. This exercise might be understood in two different ways, contracting like in kisses directed out, and contracting in like holding a straw. The out and in directions are two different exercises. Contracting the lips in feels like drinking by a straw. Sometimes the reaction to this exercise is felt down below the belly around the front sphincter and if so there is some point in keeping the contracting as long as possible just to feel the reaction or to notice its changes. It's also important while the lips go in to follow the changes of the tongue. The lips may be tight one to the other or lose with an interval between them. Try each of the exercises a few times and compare which one feels better for you. Choose the one which is easier and repeat it as long as you feel like. As was mentioned before once you feel you got the most from this exercise put tour hands on the eyes and wait. Notice the body position and your full reactions and get ready to the coming step.
The front sphincter was already mentioned before. The Paula Method uses this term for the urethra sphincter both the vagina. Contracting these two as if it's one part is easier for most women than separating them and has many variations. The best one to begin with is to do it as easy and simple and pleasant as possible. With no force and, or with no tries to make it as strong as possible. The personal natural needs should lead how it works. Later on when and if it feels boring it's possible to start looking for variations. These might be to hold it longer than your tendency or to cut them as short as possible before it gets to the full contracting.
Now it's time to start working with the back sphincter. One of the harder parts in training the Paula Method is to learn to contract each of them, the back sphincter and the front one in separate. There are a few tips for that. Start with pushing your heels to the floor while contracting the back sphincter and than push the toes to the floor while you contract the front sphincter. The easier you contract the better the chances that the other sphincter wouldn't join.
Now in order to release the body we use the same ring muscles in other directions. Instead of contracting we try to widen them and follow how one can help the other while widening. The coming activities can begin in any position you choose to try,
Think about the ring muscles that were contracted as if these are small gates or guards of your body to the world. Go with your thoughts from one to the other: eyes, nose, lips and mouth, front sphincter, back sphincter, you might want to widen each of them for itself and than practice the help one gives the other. For example, in widening the eyes think about directions, the eyelids take your thinking both you movement from down to up and in addition you can try to think to the sides so it's a combination of stretching and widening. Release the eyes widening and rest a little, now try to think again from the center to the round and open your eyes as wide as possible through this thinking, releasing the eyelids or just closing them in between the widening is necessary. Now lets check the help you can get from you mouth or nose in widening the eyes, first try spontaneously to do so, start from the eyes and add the other parts in purpose later. Release and start again. You can start now to work with your lips as a gate to the mouth. WE usually think about widening the mouth first from down to up and only later to the sides. Start thinking about combining these two, play with the way you hold the lips and try to release and let it open in the same time. It’s a combination of stretching and releasing. The tongue naturally change it’s place along the exercising if you can follow the places it stay when you chose to wide it one way you can also start the widening of the lips and the mouth through changing the tongue place. For example taking the tongue to its source cases a new unknown place for the lips and widens the inner part of the mouth, stretching and longing the tongue might close the lips and narrow the mouth.
Widening the front and the back sphincters are both harder than working with the face. It worth the try to use moving the sculpture together with the ring muscles as well as imagination. For example if we want to widen the front sphincter it’s helpful to hold the legs and the knees so they would be helpful in widening when ever the ring muscle is being stretched or open through the imagination. Sometimes for both the front sphincter and the back one contracting can be one way for widening if instead of releasing after the contracting we think about contracting as center and widening as the opposite movement. The imagination part is also a good source of a few kinds of movements, for example: taking the hands slowly from the belly to the sides of the body in a slow motion while thinking about widening the front sphincter. Trying to widen the tongue and thinking about the back sphincter.
I mentioned before the widening part that one of the harder parts in training the Paula Method is to learn to contract the back sphincter and the front one in separate. I also said that there are a few tips for that. I would try to continue with explaining two other tips in addition to the ones I gave before. Some body manipulations might help in using the tips. If we lie down on our back and involve the hands position in the exercise the direction of the palms or the back of the hands towards the floor might affect our ability to separate the front sphincter from the back one. For example: when the back of the hand is directed to the floor it's easier to feel the back sphincter and when the palms are directed to the floor with a slight push the front sphincter can be contracted in separate. So to exercise contracting the sphincters in separate try to contract the back sphincter while the back part of your hands are towards the floor, You can contract and release a few times and than try to contract your front sphincter while your palms pushes the mattress or the floor. After you try a few times to contract the front sphincter in the same time you push the mattress you can go from contracting the back sphincter to contracting the front one alternately. Go on with this exercise and after a few minutes put you hands on your eyes and wait. The way we contract our eyes is another tip I want to add to the exercising. Contracting the eyes while directing them to the nose helps to contract the front sphincter only; trying to contract the eyes towards the ears is easier if we help it with a little push from the mouth like a smiley position. This could help in feeling the back sphincter in separate.
It's not easy but quite interesting to try to combine all the three of them step by step. What was mentioned before as tips can be chosen as three easy different exercises and also as a complicated united one. We better repeat them as three easy exercises and after that we will combine them. The first one should be contracting the eyes towards the nose and then towards the ears alternately. Keep this on as long as no pain appears for a few minutes. Practicing the second exercise means we go from pushing the back parts of the hands to the floor in the same time we contract our back sphincter and than turn the hands and push the floor or the mattress with the palms and in the same time contract our front sphincter. The third exercise in this row is contracting the back sphincter and the front one in separate alternately. Each of the exercises should be done again and again and be ended by potting the hands on the eyes.
Combining these three into one means we have two different phases. In one phase we contract the front sphincter, keep it contracted, as long as we are pushing the palms to the floor and contracting the eyes towards the nose. Once the three are all felt together its better to release all the three of them and try the next phase. In practicing the other phase the back sphincter is contracted while the back of the hands are being pushed to the floor and the eyes try to be contracted to the ears. After releasing all that we prepare ourselves to repeat the two phase's one after the other alternately. Taking intervals between the two phases is important since doing the three exercises in the same time is quite an effort.
It’s important to take the time now to release the body, to put the hands on the eyes and follow the body position checking no stiffness or pain is with you.
טיפול בתפקודי הסוגרים, שרירי הפנים, גמישות המפרקים ואיזון השלד הם עיקר עבודתי. נוסף לכך אני מטפלת בהפגת כאבים, תפקוד מערכת הנשימה, העיכול והשתן. הבלוג מיועד לידד את התנועה הייחודית הזו למי שפוגש אותה בפעם הראשונה . אני מטפלת בבית עובד, ירושלים ובשריגים מזה 23 שנים, להתייעצות חייגו 0544893772 לשאלות בתחתית הדף תמצאו צילום שלי ומושגים. כדי לקרוא דברים שכתבתי אודותם לחצו עליהם
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